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Useful Preset

These are some of the most common and useful UnoCSS presets that I have summarized and used. They are all built into prsetUseful, which you can use in your project as ondemand.

Built-In Presets

PresetDescriptionEnabled by defaultOfficial
presetUnoThe default preset for UnoCSS.
presetAttributifyThis enables the attributify mode for other presets.
presetIconsUse any icon with Pure CSS for UnoCSS.
presetTypographyProvides a set of prose classes you can use to add typographic defaults to vanilla HTML.
presetWebFontsUse web fonts from Google Fonts, FontShare by simply providing the font names.
presetTagifyThis enables the tagify mode for other presets.
presetRemToPxConverts rem to px for all utilities.
presetScrollbarScrollbar for UnoCSS preset.
presetMagicssIntegrate magic animation into unocss preset.

Built-In Transformers

TransformerDescriptionEnabled by defaultOfficial
transformerDirectivesUnoCSS transformer for @apply, @screen and theme() directives.
transformerVariantGroupEnables the variant group feature of Windi CSS for UnoCSS.
transformerCompileClassCompile group of classes into one class.

Released under the MIT License.